Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hired...Your dream Job

For the last few weeks we have been discussing Parallel Career Metamorphosis (PCM) or the steps to transition from your current job to your dream job. Your last 3 steps were to Rebrand, Expose and Seek. You did such a stellar job at positioning and communicating your brand to the world, that you have been noticed and now it is time for the last three steps - Engage, Except and Exceed
Engage – The world has noticed your brand and now they really want to get to know you so they are calling to speak with you. It is time to prepare for the interview. The interview is the first time that a company will have chance to get to know if you are a perfect fit for them. Your resume has them on the hook, but now they want to know if this resume is creative rhetoric or if you can really do the job.
  • Do your research - Before the interview conduct a thorough search on the company and even the person that will be interviewing you. The interviewer wants to know that you have invested time in getting to know their company and this is not just another interview for you.
  • Dress the part. Know the culture of the company and make sure that the clothes you wear to the interview match that culture. When I interview for a job at Arista Records years ago… I wore a tan silk suit. It was the music industry and I did not want to be in a blue or black suit, when everyone was dressed in the latest fashion. I not only got compliments on my suit, but I was hired.
  • Be Prompt – Always arrive at the meeting location at least 15 minutes before the interview.
  • Be attentive – Do not only answer questions that the interviewer is asking you, but also ask questions of them to show you have done your homework and that they are respectfully being interviewed
  • Thank you – Don’t just say thank you when you are leaving the interview, but send them a thank you note highlighting some of the things you discussed during the interview.
Except – Congratulations you were offered your dream job, now its time to negotiate for the complete package that you desire. Do your research! It is important that you know the going rate for the job for which you have been offered. If the salary is lower and you want to negotiate for better compensation you have to understand whom you are negotiating with (boss or HR), know the company’s constraints (is this a start up or billion dollar business), understand the big picture (are they offering you other things to make up for the lack in salary) and make sure you know what you are worth.
 Exceed – You have been hired for your dream job, now its time to excel and surpass all of their expectations.  Being the best will enrich your brand and make you more favorable to the company and other onlookers.
 Parallel Career Metamorphosis (PCM) can be a long tedious process, but it will give the opportunity to really get to know you and at the end you will be either working in the job you desired or you will be starting your own company.
Be blessed
A. Mayartis J.

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