Thursday, November 7, 2013

Stop Looking Back

I love the phrase “you cannot unscrambled scrambled eggs, because it reminds me that you cannot reverse an unintentional mistake, an unexpected accident or even a harmful word spoken.  After the error is made there are two options:  find a way to live with it or put it behind you… or as I like to say put it in your rear-view mirror.   If you analyze a car you will notice that the rear-view mirror and side mirrors are really tiny in comparison to the massive front windshield. These mirrors are crucial because they allow the driver to see all they need to see in order to safely move forward. Additionally, as you continue to move forward your view of the objects behind you, become smaller and smaller until they disappears.  In comparison, the front windshield is huge allowing you to see all of the greatness that is in store for you. If you decided to live with the situation at least look at it with fresh eyes… forgive yourself or person/group who made the error and then release it, although you may never forget it.

Often times we allow issues in life to be a setback instead of looking at is a set up for a bigger and better purpose.  

Last year Kevin Ware a guard on the Louisville college basketball team landed awkwardly after trying to block a three-point shot attempt and suffered a compound fracture to his right leg, during the final four. Players and coaches on both teams were visibly shaken at the sight of the injury, but one of his teammates came over immediately and prayed, which helped Kevin collect his thoughts.  He knew that although he was injured he had to be strong for his teammates, so instead of crying he began motivating his players to go and win the game.  Kevin went to the hospital and his teammates won the game in his honor.

 A few months later while recuperating with 2 metal rods and a metal plate in his leg, Kevin stated in an interview that he had never seen the video of the accident.  He made it clear that he had no plans on EVER watching the video.  He felt that watching the accident would put him in the wrong mental state, which would not be beneficial in helping him move forward with his basketball career. 

When asked how he could move forward Kevin said,  “This is another obstacle I had to face... God does not let anything happen that he doesn’t want to happen this was another situation that was going to mature me and get me to a better mindset”

Had Kevin not put the accident in his rear-view mirror he would not have been able to sink a 3-pointer at the Cardinals' exhibition game against Pikeville on November 6,2013.  This was Kevin’s first shot attempt in a game since fracturing his right leg last March.  Kevin went on to rack up six points and four rebounds in his 10 minutes on the court

We all need to take a page from Kevin’s Ware’s life… stay positive during your adversity and the only time you should be looking back it is to see how far you have come and/or see where you do not want to return.

It is imperative that you let go of your past so you can experience your future and so you will know you’re on the right track when you become uninterested in looking back.

God Bless,
A. Mayartis J