Monday, April 6, 2015

Control Freaks... Let go

As an entrepreneur you feel as though you have to be in complete control of everything or your dream(s) will fall apart, however that is not always true. Letting go could actual benefit you in the long run.... personally and professionally. Last week I let go and it was an awe-inspiring experience.

A family member passed away and I had to travel overseas last minute to attend the funeral, however at the time I was in the process of working on two crucial contracts and was honestly scared to leave. Additionally, I was working through some personal issues and feared that the reason for the travel and the extra time on my hands would make the problem worse.

After much consideration I decided to bite the bullet pay the ridiculously high price for my flight and go support my family as well as pay my respects. When I boarded the plane I made the conscious decision to take my hands off the steering wheel of my life by doing as much as I could do and releasing it. I wrote the proposals for the prospective clients on the plane sent it to a business partner to check over before emailing it to the client's. I also crafted a message to send to the people I was having a personal issues with so that I could release it and move past it.

When I landed in the beautiful country where I would spend 5 amazing days... I let go.

At this point I did not care if I got the business. I did not care If the personal issues worked out. I know I had done all I could do and I shut down... only checking email once a day and contacting the people just to check in.

By the time I returned home. I had the contracts, a speaking engagement, sold several books, acquired a new mentor and connected with someone who was already driving business my way. On the personal front we were able to hash out our differences and we are in a better place than I could ever imagine.

Life is amazing if you just take your hands off the wheel of life SOMETIMES and just coast.

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